Biogel and Hydrogel Removal from the Buttock
Recently, there had been a trend in South America for Hydrogel/Biogel injections for buttock augmentation. Numerous case reports revealed complications arising from such injections. These complications include but not limited to: hyper pigmentation of skin, hardening of tissues, contour irregularities, chronic infections, and buttock deformities.
Management of Unwanted Hydrogel in Buttock
- An MRI of the area involved needs to be obtained prior to surgery. This will serve as a map for the surgeon prior to removal of the hydrogel/biogel.
- Treatment may involve injection of hyaluronidase 24 hours prior to surgical extraction of the hydrogel product.
- Surgical treatment would involve extraction/removal of the hydrogel either by direct excision of using the VASER liposuction machine. Fat transfer may be involve to re-contour the deformity.
Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC