4D VASER High-Definition Liposuction

Dr. De La Cruz is a Houston plastic surgeon who performs the 4D VASER High Definition liposuction Houston.  Check out our Before and After Liposuction Page.

Biogel and Hydrogel Removal from the Buttock

Recently, there had been a trend in South America for Hydrogel/Biogel injections for buttock augmentation.  Numerous case reports revealed complications arising from such injections.  These complications include but not limited to:  hyper pigmentation of skin, hardening of tissues, contour irregularities, chronic infections, and buttock deformities.

Management of Unwanted Hydrogel in Buttock

  • An MRI of the area involved needs to be obtained prior to surgery.  This will serve as a map for the surgeon prior to removal of the hydrogel/biogel.


  • Treatment may involve injection of hyaluronidase 24 hours prior to surgical extraction of the hydrogel product. 
  • Surgical treatment would involve extraction/removal of the hydrogel either by direct excision of using the VASER liposuction machine.  Fat transfer may be involve to re-contour the deformity.

Emmanuel De La Cruz MD, PLLC

Houston Clinic

15016 FM 529 W. Houston, Texas 77095

Email: delacruzplasticsurgery1@gmail.com

Call us at 832-776-1134